duppedings Floating LampBasil boyLEGO R2-D2


electric gadgets


UFO Lamp
UFO Lamp  

What is the first thing aliens do when they arrive at our planet? Abduct cows, of course! This Alien Abduction Lamp has 3 settings. By twisting the UFO's antenna, you can either light up the interior of the UFO with different colored lights, light up the beam or have both lights on. If you'd rather abduct something else than cows, you can replace the cow with whatever suits you.
I bought mine at DesignTorget in Oslo. It can also be ordered at its own homepage.


Solar powered keyboard
Solar powered keyboard  

Calculators have been solar powered for many years. But this is the first time I've seen a keyboard which uses the same technology. I needed a new keyboard to couch surf. This Logitech K750 solar powered keyboard was a perfect match. It's light and comfortable to type on.
The keyboard can be bought in most computer stores.


LaCie iamaKey
LaCie iamaKey  

LaCie likes to make strange and fun storage media, like the external hard drive that looks like a LEGO-brick. This memory stick is not only fun but also very functional, because it looks like a key, is as slim as a key, and fits perfectly on the keychain.
Finnes i flere butikker.



There are a lot of strange things you can plug into the USB-port, but few are as cute as this owl! The owl it self is about 5 cm (2 inches) tall and can either sit on its tree stub or on the computer screen on a holder. Once in a while it opens its eyes and looks around tilting its head. (YouTube)
Jeg har ikke sett den i noen lokale butikker enda, men den kan blant annet kjøpes fra Multicom.



The Stylophone was invented in 1967 and is a simple "pocket organ". The keys of metal and you play by using the stylus with a metal end. The sound of it, reminds me of TV-games from the 1980-90's - with or without vibrato. (YouTube)
Stylophonen ble kjøpt på gadget.dk-butikken i København.


Icon Watch
Icon Watch  

When the first Apple Macintosh launched in 1984, icons were something new. Many of the icons from that machine also later became, well, iconic - amongst them the icon this watch resembles. The watch symbolized the machine was busy. Fun watch! It was also funny to read the poorly translated operation manual.
I bought the Icon Watch from the Museum of Modern Art.



This small tray like thing is a sort of mixing table. By putting the different sculptures on the glowing spots, it plays different kinds of sounds and rhythms, which it mixes into music. The sculpture that looks like an ice cube is able to record sound either from the built in microphone or by audio input. Quirky, but fun! (YouTube)
Jeg kjøpte denne hos gadget.dk i København.


Sun Jar
Sun Jar  

In Norway, we have sunlight both day and night in summer, but hardly any sunlight during the winter. Therefor it is practical to be able to keep and store the sunlight you get, when you get it. Sun Jar does just that. If you let this jam jar sit in sunlight a few hours a day, it will light up at night when it gets dark. (YouTube)
I was going to buy this online, at gadget.no or firebox.com, but then I saw they also sold it in a local shop.



Cubissimo is an informative little thing from Lexon. On four of its six sides it shows time, temperature, date and day. Under the top lid it has its controls, and it will also function as an alarm clock.
Jeg kjøpte den fra Lexon sin butikk i Oslo.


Magnetic Globe
Magnetic Globe  

Human understands more of magnetism than gravitation, so the fact that his globe hovers in a magnetic field, is actually less impressive than it would have fallen to the ground if it hadn't. Nevertheless, I think it is something special to see the globe hanging in thin air. You can spin it, and it continues to spin for a long time. (YouTube)
Denne magnetglobusen fant jeg på bokbutikken Norli, men de finnes også i diverse internettbutikker.



This cute little TV from Phillips is a true gadget. How many TVs you know have a analog clock and illuminated legs - with tree light settings? The illuminated legs also have a practical function because the TV has a wake-up function. It lights up the room when you are supposed to wake up. The clock also lights up. If you don't want to wake up to a TV program, you can instead choose to wake up to radio, which it also has built in. The antenna makes it look like some sort of an alien or a robot. Beam me up Scotty!
Etter å ha sett på den for mange år siden, fant jeg den tilfeldigvis i en butikk for noen år siden.


Push Pin
Push Pin  

You turn on the Push Pin lamp by pushing the push pin into the cork cube. Standing almost 40cm tall, it makes you feel like a Lille putt. This also contributes to its gadget factor in my eyes.
Denne ble kjøpt på butikken Living, men de finnes også på diverse duppedingssider rundt om på nettet.


Floating Lamp
Floating Lamp  

This lamp is called Flipflap and is made by a German design house Büro Für Form in 2001. It seems to be floating in space only restricted by its cord. I'm quite fond of surrealistic objects, so this lamp is a favourite of mine.
Jeg kjøpte denne for noen år tilbake på salg, og fikk hør at de var den eneste importøren i Norge og at de hadde importert 8 stk. På selskapets hjemmeside står det "limited edition", så jeg vet ikke hvor enkle de er å få tak i. Ta gjerne kontakt dersom du også har en slik.


Walkie bits
Walkie bits  

This might be the worlds smallest toy robot. If you push its shell, you program it to do different things. Amongst other things, it will walk after your beat or race in a random pace. (YouTube)
Jeg har tittet på disse på YouTube en stund, og ble veldig glad da jeg så en i butikken Fint Design i Bergen.


Nohohon Zoku
Nohohon Zoku  

This little smiling guy is from the same company that made Flip Flap. In the same way as the plant that waves it leafs when the sun comes out and shines on the solar panel, this guy will nod his head in a delightful manner. It's quite relaxing. (YouTube)
Jeg tok meg en dagstur til Bergen for å få tak i blant annet denne duppedingsen. Jeg har bare sett de i Norge på butikken Fint Design der.


LEGO R2-D2  

R2-D2 is the quite little robot from Star Wars. This LEGO version can be controlled by a flash light. It has a light sensor in the panel on the front, and it goes forward the light source. It also has a range of other programs which makes it possible to control more accurately or to play games. But it doesn't have Tetris on it. (YouTube)
Denne modellen er ikke lenger i salg, dessverre.


Steam Engine
Steam Engine  

In schools everywhere, there are so many exiting gadgets just standing unused locked away in the science rooms. That has always annoyed me. So when I myself became a teacher, I decided to do something about it. The subject at hand was the industrial revolution. So what is better than playing with steam engines? The older science teacher said the schools steam engines hadn't been in use for over 15 years, but with a little grease and a test ride, they went like greased lightning. The students loved it. And I was inspired to buy a steam engine of my own. This one is connected to a generator which light up the little lamp on it. In other words, I have my very own power plant. (YouTube)
Dampmaskiner finnes i endel leketøysbutikker. Wilesco er en velkjent produsent.


BRICK harddrive
BRICK harddrive  

Is this a LEGO-brick? Is it a lunch box? No, it's an external hard drive. LaCie has made this so often dull box in to something you would like to have on your desktop.
Denne harddiskenen, fåes kjøpt i diverse butikker og nettbutikker. Jeg kjøpte min på eplehuset i Oslo. Det finnes også i to andre farger (blå og rød) og i en mindre variant, eller en flat 2x2, som jeg ville ha sagt på LEGO-språket.


NXT LEGO-robot
NXT LEGO-robot  

LEGO isn't what is once was, or actually it is, including much more. This Mindstorm robot can see with its ultra sound eyes and light sensor, it can feel with a pressure sensor and it can hear with its microphone. It comes with tree motors and a computer brick. With this set you can build as many robots as you want. The one shown to your left is great catching balls and can also drive around the room almost without bumping into things because it is programmed to stop 30 cm from an object. The programming language is almost as building LEGO bricks because you drag an drop program blocks to make your sequence. (YouTube)
Denne LEGO-roboten kan kjøpes i alle leketøysforretninger som har et større LEGO-utvalg.


Flip Flap
Flip Flap  

This cute little to leafed plant gently waves it leafs when the sun shines. It does this because it is solar powered. Flip Flap is a adorable little gadget that warms my hart every time I look at it. (YouTube)
Jeg fikk denne importert fra Japan via en kompis, men du finner den også på diverse nettbutikker rundt omkring. Etter hvert har det også kommet flere andre typer planter og figurer. Jeg har også sett denne hos Fint Design i Bergen.


Mr. P.
Mr. P.  

Mr. P. is a rather shy lamp. It might be because he stands completely naked, but if you'd like to turn him on, you now where to look. This lamp isn't sold very many places in Norway, so I had to go to Denmark, and its capitol Copenhagen to get mine. But lately I've seen it in a store in Bergen.
Jeg har ikke sett denne lampen i noen lampebutikker i Oslo på en stund, men den finnes i alle fall på: gadgets.dk og Urban Trend. Jeg så også denne hos Fint Design i Bergen.



Is a webcam a gadget? What if it is able to turn and follow your face? Logitech's Sphere Webcam does just that. Its stand is motorized which turns the camera. It also comes with a "stem". If put it on, the camera reminds me of the extra eye R2-D2 uses in Yoda's swamp.
Dette kameraet kan du kjøpe i de fleste forretninger som selger kamera fra Logitech. Den nyere versjonen har i tillegg til fjessporing mulighet for å bytte ut fjeset ditt med ulike figurer.



This is a weird and wonderful lamp. In its most anonymous shape, with a smaller dome than shown in this image, it looks like an ordinary tin can. With the dome as shown on the image, it looks almost like a lava lamp. But it is first when you take of the dome, the laserpod get to show what its worth. You then get your very own northern lights on your ceiling. It's very enjoyable to look at to relaxing music. (YouTube)
Denne kan finnes i flere ulike nettbutikker, og har nettopp kommet i en ny utgave. Les mer om denne snodige lampen på www.laserpod.com.


My Computer
My Computer  

In my collection of gadgets, I wish to include my computer, which names is "duppedings" (gadget). It's not really that special, since most laptops of today come with built in web cam and remote controls, but HP has managed to make something as unusual as a nice looking and functional PC. With piano finish and an zen-inspired pattern imprinted in the top and arm rests, they have done the little extra that makes it a duppedings. I fell for it at once I saw it. The hardware is also good, and quite enough for my surfing and graphic designing.
HP-maskiner i forskjellige størrelser og konfigurasjoner kan kjøpes flere steder.



E- dog is the name of this little dog that loves music. It manages to get the rhythm and follows it by shaking its head, wiggling its ears and making a light pattern on its face. If you want to really make him happy, you can pet him at the top of his head or scratch his nose. (YouTube)
Hunden kan kjøpes i de fleste leketøysbutikker.


Model One
Model One  

Tivoli Audios radios now come in a large collection of different models. But it was the simplistic mono radio Model One that started the whole thing. The point of Model One was that it should be as simple as possible, but yet have the best hardware and great audio. That is has. Many of the later models sadly, some what, break the point of it being uncomplicated with too many buttons, screens and so on. What would Henry Kloss have said?
Over alt, fra dagligvareforretninger til Elkjøp og Hi-Fi-butikker.


LEGO-train set
LEGO-train set  

Locomotives have always interested me, and so has LEGO. That makes a LEGO-locomotive the perfect gadget for me. This engine also looks like an old steam engine. The original plan was to have it go around my sofa, but with its rather immense radius of turning, it made it impractical. But it also looks good on display on top of my book shelf, and is ready to be played with at any time.
Dette togsettet er ikke lenger i butikken, men du får nå tak i en ny generasjon fjernstyrte tog uten elektriske skinner (som gjør det mye billigere).


Plasma sphere
Plasma sphere  

Plasma spheres often pop up in science fiction films or horror movies. I think it's very fascinating to see the beams of energy follow my finger around when I touch the sphere. Did you also know that if you hold a florescent light rod in one hand and touch the sphere with the other, it lights up? (YouTube)
Plasmakuler finnes i mange butikker, men til variabel pris.


Macintosh Color Classic
Macintosh Color Classic  

The prototype of this machine had twin doors and an analog clock in the front. But what the final machine looked like, is also a design work of art in my eyes. With its tiny feet, its 10-inch screen, and a rounded top, it is very special. It was the first all in one machine with a color screen made by Apple in 1994, and was made give contribute to the original Macintosh that was released 10 years earlier. It has a floppy disk drive where we today would fine a dvd-drive and a microphone where the machines of today have their web cams - a modern design. (YouTube)
Jeg fant min på et loppemarked, så kanskje du også finner en der? E-bay har alltid noen til salgs, og du kan høre med venner og bekjente om de har en stående.


KODAK digital frame
KODAK digital frame  

A digital frame is a small computer screen that not only shows images, but also is able to play video and music. This one I've put in a 1Gb card, and it is then able to show many thousand images. I plan to make some "Harry Potter" family images that move slightly. But for now it shows the newest images of my little niece. Some digital frames has a WiFi connection, which makes it able to show images that you or your friends has uploaded to the Internet instantly. The future is already here!
De begynner å komme flere steder nå. Elkjøp alene har 4 modeller, diverse fotobutikker og dataforretninger har også en del.



The Ericofon from the Swedish company The Ericofon from the Swedish company Ericsson is a timeless classic. I see it as a true gadget since both form and function mixes in a nice way. In Norway they came in 5 different colors (off white, blue, red, green and gray), but there are around 60 different combinations of color and type around the world. The rotary dialer is under the telephone, and you answer simply by lifting it up from the table and hang up by putting it down again. This was the first telephone designed to be operated by one hand.
Kan hende på loftet? Jeg har funnet mine i diverse bruktbutikker i Oslo, men de føres til svært variable priser. Nettauksjonssider på nettet har også et relativt godt utvalg. Men om du vil ha en Ericofon i perfekt stand, eller en sjelden modell, vil jeg anbefale ericofon.com.


Basil boy Nabaztag Flip Flap E-dog Wodden Monkey Mr. P. Rabbit in a hat Troll Ericofon My Little Pony LEGO-robot English Norsk