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decorative gadgets


Fast Vase
Fast Vase  

A vase is probably not the first thing you think about when you hear the word "fast". But this vase from Rosenthal looks like it is passing you at light speed. I think it's humorous that such a simple white vase can tingle my interest in such a way.
The Fast Vase can be bought many places. I bought mine at Illums Bolighus.


LEGO ring
LEGO ring  

This is a silver ring with a LEGO stud. This makes it possible to place on it both large and small bricks. With the ring, came many different LEGO bricks that you can put on it, from translucent 1x1 to LEGO flowers and bigger bricks. But you can, of course, choose whichever brick you want from your own collection. I usually choose a black 1x1, a classic, hehe. The best thing about LEGO is the variety you can make yourself.
I bought this ring from a German silversmith: Edition Mathea (Ring with 1 nep).


LEGO wooden blocks
LEGO wooden blocks  

Before LEGO made their famous plastic bricks in the 50's, they were a wooden toy manufacture. I've long since wanted to fine a wooden toy from LEGO, and I got my whish at a marked on Ekeberg. This box (nr. 1501) contains 18 wooden blocks and is complete with the user manual. According to it, there are 17 games in which you can use the blocks to play.
Maybe at a flea market or EBay?


Ehri AutoService
Ehri AutoService  

At a flea marked in Helsingborg Sweden, I found a metal car that reminded me of a toy car my grandmother used to have. I got it for 5 SEK (about 75 cents). When I searched for the producer Ehri, and what was on the car: "Auto Service", online, I found out that it was made in East Germany (DDR). On eBay there was also a similar car going for 170 dollars. And my car is in a better condition. - A small coup, in other words.
Loppemarked eller eBay.



Its fascinating thinking about what one self liked as a child. I was hooked on the Smurfs. They aired on a cable channel dubbed into Swedish, which resulted in me speaking Sweedish for a while in my childhood. I also played with the plastic figures and made houses in the woods for them. This figurine, 10 cm in length, is some sort of ceramics and is best suitable for display only.
Jeg fant denne smurfefiguren på butikken Riktige Leker i Oslo.


Barbabright and Barbabeau
Barbabright and Barbabeau  

I mostly remember the Barba family from children books. These blobs could transform into what ever they wanted. In addition, like the Smurfs, they each had a special gift. Barbabright, the blue character, is into science and research and Barbabeau, the black and hairy character, likes fantasy and art. I feel connected to them both.
Jeg fant denne barba-figuren på Steen og Strøm i Oslo.



This iron clump fell from the sky 5800 years ago and was discovered in 1576 in what was to be Campo del Cielo in Argentina. Meteorites are meteors which didn't dissolve in the atmosphere. Most of them originate from asteroids. Even though we are all stardust (as a matter of fact), it's still fun to be able to hold a rock that doesn't have it's origin from earth.
Meteoritten ble kjøpt på Astrofestivalen på Blindern.


Newton's Cradle  

Newton's Cradle is an ordinary office toy. It makes an good illustration to how the laws of Newton works. If you pull out one ball on one side and let go, another ball pops out on the other side. If you pull out two balls, two balls pop up on the other side. But what happens if you pull out one ball on one side, and two on the other side? Try it out! (YouTube)
Slike kan kjøpes i flere duppedingsbutikker i forskjellige størrelser.


The Ant
The Ant  

The ant, or 3100/3101, was designed by the Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen in the 1950s. Together with the Series 7 chair, they are known around the world for their soft and rounded forms. The ant looks like an ant standing up and is very comfortable to sit on. It comes with both tree and four legs and in a multitude of colors. When it first was released in the 1950s the product methods were revolutionary, but also today you have to look hard to find a more well done chair.
Mauren kan kjøpes hos mange møbelhandlere. Dessverre koster den en del, men dette fører også til mindre bruk og kast. Spesielt i opphavslandet Danmark er det et stort bruktmarked for disse stolene.


Shaun the Sheep
Shaun the Sheep  

Shaun the Sheep is known for his adventures on TV. My little niece really loves this sheep, and so do I. This version of the toy you can wind up, and it walks along as stiff as the original.
Jeg fant denne på Yes! Vi leker - butikken i Bergen. Jeg har ikke sett den i andre leketøysbutikker, men det kan godt hende de har den også.


Tapas - Flying dog
Tapas - Flying dog  

This flying dog, which name is Fred, may be better known as a piggy bank. I really love its curves. It plays "Top of the world" while turning around on its cloud so softly.
Jeg har hatt denne i et par år nå, og har ikke sett noe til Fred på en stund.


Wooden Ape
Wooden Ape  

This wooden ape is designed by the Danish designer Kaj Bojesen for Rosendahl. It is made up of simple geometrical shapes in two different color of wood. It can hang both from its hands and feet like a real monkey. It's fascinating to see how simple one can make the shape of an animal and yet be able to give it life. I also like the seamless integration of different colors of wood.
Apen finnes i en del interiørforretninger.


Basil boy
Basil boy  

The Basil boy sits in his pot of basil maybe wondering what he is going to use all his basil for. He is after all a Basil boy. Beautiful details and nicely painted.
Jarles Gavesenter i Førde har mange av disse. Se denne siden for utsalg der du bor.


Basil boy Nabaztag Flip Flap E-dog Wodden Monkey Mr. P. Rabbit in a hat Troll Ericofon My Little Pony LEGO-robot English Norsk