duppedings Tapas - Flying dogNohohon ZokuMr Lys Paere


snuggly gadgets


Super Mario Quilt
Super Mario Quilt  

My mother does a lot of sowing and quilting. When she asked if I wanted a nice and cozy quilt for my birthday, and I got an idea. Since the quilt patches are perfectly square, they resemble pixels. I thereby found a suitable motive from SNES Super Mario, and made it into a pattern.
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Mac Mac
Mac Mac  

As with Mr Lys Paere, Mac Mac is also cut from glued parts of foam rubber sown together by my mother. The hands and feet comes off if you want and the screen is sown on a cardboard plate which make the screen changeable.
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Mr Lys Paere
Mr Lys Paere  

Mr Lys Paere is a 3D character that I made for a science project in high school. The manikin version of him is about 1,5 feet tall, sown by my mother, but cut by me of glued together pieces of layers of foam rubber (my hand hurt for over a week).
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My Little Pony
My Little Pony  

As an 80's child, My Little Pony was a part of my childhood. When the first shopping centre opened in my small home town in 1987 I was 5 years old. I've had waited for hours to see a Norwegian children's show character named Gullars, but he was delayed, and we had to go home to eat. To cheer us up, we got to choose a toy each, me and my two sisters. I chose like my sisters a pony, but also got a toy car. This pony was specially design by a friend of mine with a Finnish design flower pattern (Marimekko).
Ponnier er å få kjøpt i leketøysbutikkene igjen. Om du leter på nettet, finner du også custom made ponnier, eller steder som maler de slik du vil ha dem.



Trolls where, with LEGO, my favorite toy as a child. Together with my two sisters, we could play for hours. Over the years my family of trolls grew, and I had a home made house for them to live in. I made card board cars, got help from my mother to make clothes and furniture. I also had to come up with family relation between the growing numbers of trolls. My collection of trolls is still in my parents attic, but when I saw this baby troll in a store, the memories came back. Even the smell of the plastic brings back memory of childhood years. I also bought a troll for my little niece for her to play with when she grows older.
Lykketroll er fortsatt å få kjøpt i noen leketøysforretninger eller bokforretninger. Det finnes flere produsenter som har kopiert trolldesignet, men originalen kan sees mer av her: www.troll-company.dk.


Littlest Pet Shop Sheep
Littlest Pet Shop Sheep  

I seem to be found of big sweet eyes. And the animals from the Littles Pet Shop collection have just that. I currently have a rabbit, a cat, a guinea pig and this sheep, but I'm also keeping my eye on the chinchilla.
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Basil boy Nabaztag Flip Flap E-dog Wodden Monkey Mr. P. Rabbit in a hat Troll Ericofon My Little Pony LEGO-robot English Norsk